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Past Exhibitions


A then B - December 17 2019 - January 12 2020 Grab-A-Slice Gallery

A then B is a group of Toronto based artists working in a variety of mediums leading to :

Collaboration, Play, Connection, Update, Alteration, Continuity, Dreaming, Generation, Elaboration, Auditing, Collision, Extraction, Expansion, Development, Heightening.


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At the part A reception the artists will be taking each others pieces and implementing changes, using them to spark ideas for new projects and opening up to collaboration. The body of work will have the same foundation but be ultimately changed by the B reception.


A then B... how do we get to creative Happy?

Head Map
Cyanotypes on watercolour paper - landscape of the mind


The Portrait Exhibit - January 8 - 19 2020 Gallery 1313

A variety of portrait works using different media to be included. Presented in Process Gallery of Gallery 1313
Curated by Gallery Director, Phil Anderson

Self Portraits
Cyanotypes on watercolour paper


Structures - February 5 - 16 2020 Gallery 1313 Process. 

Artists are influenced and inspired by the buildings and architecture around them.
A group Exhibit curated by Gallery Director , Phil Anderson

Ontario Place
Cyanotype on watercolour paper, 11x14


Snapd Bloor West coverage


You Are Here - March 5 - April 3 2020 The John B. Aird Gallery

Where did you come from? How did you get here? What does your journey look like? Where are you growing?
The idea behind You Are Here is to inspire contemporary artworks related to mapping of both physical space and emotional experience, resulting in an exhibition that is diverse, eye-opening, and inviting.

A series of cyanotypes on watercolour paper. "Split" was accepted into exhibition.




PhotoNOLA 2020 - December 2019 - March 2020 Healing Arts Center. New Orleans, LA


Most ancient peoples had no word for the color blue.

​They could not explain the sky nor the ocean. Poetry and love letters suffered.  Once “blue” entered the world the earth rattled and chimed, sending forth “turquoise” and “sapphire.”  The Navajo and the Jewelers rejoiced.  Poets wept.

Picasso danced and Policemen beamed.

Mary smiled.

The flags will be taken to New Orleans to the Healing Arts Center for an exhibition beginning in December for PhotoNOLA until the end of Mardi Gras 2020.

Cyanotype on 100% cotton fabric, lake Ontario and Star Finders


Kensington Market Art Fair  - August 30, September 27 Samara Contemporary

Sunday Aug 30
Sunday Sept 27

A tent booth set up selling cyanotypes in variety of sizes


The Kensington Market Art Fair (KMAF) is a curated outdoor art fair in Toronto’s historical neighbourhood, focusing on original two and three-dimensional art. KMAF features professional and student works and serves as a platform for all artists to share and express freely and provide the public with a large selection of mediums.

World Cyanotype Day  -  September 2020 The Halide Project

Natalia Tcherniak

Bringing our September cyanotype features to a close with a splash. Interdisciplinary artist and architect Natalia Tcherniak designs sets and stages when not performing herself in Toronto and Vancouver. We were first introduced to Natalia's work in our third annual juried exhibition, Living Image, in 2018.


The Halide Project celebrated World Cyanotype Day all month this year with our first virtual exhibition. Select below to explore each artist’s body of work, showcasing a variety of unique ways this historic photographic process is utilized in contemporary art.

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